How to Make your Renovations Earth-friendly

Protecting our planet is a priority for Canadians. With environmental protection at the top of everyone’s minds, we wanted to share some information from a builder and renovator’s perspective. When we think about Earth-friendly renovations, we don’t just think about  upgrades that make your home more efficient; we also think about the amount of waste produced by renovations and how we can minimize it. Our next few articles will discuss renovations that you can feel good about, starting with your roof!

If it’s time to replace your shingles, you first need to decide whether to go with asphalt or steel.  Steel shingles have a great reputation for longevity and durability, but did you know that they’re also a more eco-friendly choice? 

Consider this: how often do we replace asphalt shingles on a typical Canadian home? While steel shingles boast a 100 year lifespan, asphalt shingles typically need to be replaced every 15 years or so thanks to our rough Canadian weather. That means you have to replace your asphalt shingles 6 times to match the lifespan of the steel shingles. 


Now, keep in mind that when your existing asphalt shingles are removed to make way for new ones, your old shingles need to go somewhere. The total weight of the discarded shingles from a 1000sqft home measures approximately 1,750kg. That is 3,858lbs of waste, just from reshingling your home one time. If you have to do that 6 times to match the longevity of steel shingles, you are throwing 10,500kg or 23,148lbs of waste into a landfill. Remember: this is the amount per home.


That is an astounding amount of waste, but luckily, it can be reduced! By installing steel shingles, you can effectively keep that 10,500kgs of waste out of our landfills. Not only that, but when it is finally time to replace your steel shingles, your old steel can easily be recycled at almost any waste facility!


While steel shingles are more Earth-friendly than asphalt, we realize that they do have one big drawback. That is, they carry a heftier price tag than their asphalt counterparts. This is due to both the cost of materials and the added labour for the more intricate installation. Luckily, if steel shingles exceed your budget, you can still reduce your footprint! When your roof needs replacing, you get to choose who you hire. When you’re researching different companies, look for one that has responsible waste practices. These companies will take your old shingles to a facility where they can separate the old asphalt from the other materials, and that asphalt can be recycled. This not only keeps your shingles out of a landfill, but also reduces the amount of new asphalt being produced!


Thanks for reading the first article in our Earth-Friendly Renovations series, check back soon for more eco-friendly tips!


Choosing a countertop material